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The Relation Between Indoor Air Quality and Frequent Headaches

Dewrable India

I’m trying to research on the impact of indoor air pollution which is becoming a public health concern and its linkage to headaches or dizziness. The biggest worry is that even school kids and teachers who stay indoor for longer hours are getting headaches and this is not attributed to any seasonal flu or viruses. Indoor air pollution consists of tobacco smoke, No2, excessive humidity or moisture, particulate matter. These pollutants contribute to respiratory illnesses, cancer, headache combined with coughs, breathing problems, sore throats, chest tightness, skin allergies, nausea, asthma, & damages in liver, kidneys and nervous system. The one pollutant that stands out is formaldehyde. This may be present in the aerosols and has been categorized by EPA as a critical pollutant. Many research studies reveal groups of people spending long hours in the closed indoor spaces report higher concerns of intense headaches and migraines than people working in good quality air. The air quality can be monitored via defining standard levels of indoor pollutants like carbon monoxide and dioxide, particulate matter and volatile organic compounds along with temperature and humidity levels, illuminance and sounds. Some studies even suggest females are more prone to headaches than men. Out of comfort Co2 and Co ranges, in the closed environment, has been often linked to migraines. Migraine diagnosis and high headache frequency have been proven in studies to be associated with an uncomfortable indoor environment. Migraines are not only attributed by severe headache concerns but fever, allergies, problems like vertigo, impaired vision and speech. Chronic migraines impact social and personal life. It has been observed that people with chronic migraines and asthma are sensitive to nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Contaminants like cigarette smoke, cleaning agents, pollutants derived from cosmetics/perfumes might inflict headaches. Sometimes these chronic headaches in the working class are also termed as Sick building syndrome (SBS). The environmental impact on SBS is uncertain though. Another interesting term that has been coined is Indoor environmental parameters (IEP) – this refers to the EPA guidelines on the standard of indoor air quality and other human dwelling parameters. The common causes of poor indoor air quality are ventilation problems, combustions products, organic vapours, Bioaerosols. Air pollutants might serve as an irritant of structures innervated by the trigeminal nerve leading to headache onset.

Tags: Air Pollution, air pollution and health, Air Pollution Effects, Air Pollution in India, Causes of Air Pollution, headaches due to air pollution, Indoor Air Pollution, indoor air pollution causes, indoor air quality


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